About Us

Alvin Thomas

Email: athomas42@wisc.edu

Dr. Alvin Thomas is a clinically trained assistant professor of Human Development and Family Studies in the School of Human Ecology at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, where he explores positive youth development and father involvement especially among Black families. He earned his BA from Morehouse College and his PhD in Clinical Psychology from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. He has won numerous awards and fellowships and presented his research across the U.S. and internationally. Read Dr. Thomas's full bio. »

Research Assistants

Hung-Yang Chen

Credentials: Graduate Student Research Assistant

Eric L. Crawford

Credentials: Graduate Student Research Assistant

Pratik Fulluke

Credentials: Graduate Student Research Assistant

Aditya Gopal

Credentials: Undergraduate Student Research Assistant

Mengguo Jing

Credentials: Affiliated Researcher

Quinn Kinzer

Credentials: Graduate Student Research Assistant

Yeqing Li

Credentials: Graduate Student Research Assistant

Atticus Nguyen

Credentials: Undergraduate Student Research Assistant

Jesse Scotland

Credentials: Research Collaborator

Jacob White

Credentials: Undergraduate Student Research Assistant

Noa Yamashiro

Credentials: Undergraduate Student Research Assistant