Noa Yamashiro

Credentials: Undergraduate Student Research Assistant

Position title: UW Madison Human Development and Family Studies, School of Human Development | La Follette School of Public Affairs

Pronouns: she/her/hers

photo of Noa Yamashiro: An Asian-American woman smiling with straight brown hair, wearing a navy patterned dress

I am majoring in Human Development and Family studies, which focuses on the bio-psycho-social domains of the development of human beings. I also will be receiving a certificate in Health Policy which has taught me about the challenges of global health, and the various health care issues that deserve more attention in our world. In my life, I am interested in making an impact that can improve people’s lives, whether that be in the health care sector, or the social, child, or human welfare sector. I am interested in making important change in this world, and the tools I need that inspire me to do that have come from my journey at the University of Wisconsin.

Hobbies: I sing!