Therapy and mental health treatment is less accessible to minorities due to multiple factors including income, lack of diversity, location, and bias. Anesis Family Therapy aims to address the demand for mental health care for …
Black fatherhood media
OpEd (; It’s time to Give Black father the Credit They Deserve
Black fathers are overlooked, under credited, and mischaracterized in society, even though they are deeply involved in their childrens’ lives (even more so than white and hispanic fathers). It is important to change the public …
OpEd (; Fathers Feed Babies Too
Fathers play an important role in the caretaking of their children both directly and indirectly (emotional, practical, and physical support to partners). However, fathers’ involvement is underrepresented in the media, and even more so for …
Black Fatherhood Trailer and Launch
The Black Fatherhood Podcast aims to educate, validate and elevate Black Fatherhood to help strengthen individuals, families and communities.
CBS 58 Milwaukee; Activists Strive to Change the Narrative of Black Fatherhood
It is important to reduce the stereotypes surrounding black fathers and highlight the work that they put in, which often goes unnoticed. The narrative of the absent black father needs to change, otherwise these issues …
FAABS; Early Career Award interview
Accessibility of mental health services for black families and engagement with black fathers in child services must be improved to have positive impacts on the father and child. Further research must be done on the …; Badgering: Alvin Thomas
Historical trauma affects black fathers at the individual, family, and community levels, and it is seen today in the child welfare and legal systems. In order to create a healthy community which promotes healthy development, …
Fox6; Press Conference Launch of Black Fathers, Equal Partners in Advancing Maternal and Infant Health Research Initiative, in Milwaukee.
The new initiative “Black Fathers, Equal Partners in Advancing Maternal and Infant Health” aims to provide safe spaces and lift the voices of Black and expecting dads. By doing so, they hope to center fathers …